I?m guessing you?ve probably been in hundreds of swimming pools throughout your lifetime. Either ones in your local area, or when you?ve been on vacation somewhere at home and abroad. Maybe you?ve experienced every kind of pool imaginable. Can you remember what one you liked the most? Most people will usually always remember a pool that was that little bit special. You need to think long and hard about what you?ve enjoyed in the past, because when you decide to get a swimming pool built in your garden you?re left with a tough decision.
You can literally have any kind of pool you want, within reason, so instead of taking a stab in the dark you should go with something you know and love. A pool is a big deal and it?s not the type of thing you want to get wrong. Eventually your kids will grow up and they?ll look back on the swimming pool as somewhere they had some of the best times of their life. Maybe you?ve forgotten because it?s been a long time, so let?s have a look at some types of swimming pool you can have built and it should make your decision a little easier.
A pool for playing
If you?re just looking for a pool you can play around in with the kids and maybe throw a ball about, it doesn?t really need to be as deep as an Olympic diving pool. It?s just going to make like difficult for some of the games you play. You?ll surely remember playing games in a deep pool and it?s almost impossible to do anything when your feet aren?t touching the bottom. A play pool should only be about 5ft deep in any area.
A pool for diving
This one has to be deeper than the play pool otherwise something can go seriously wrong. People have really hurt themselves hitting their head off the bottom and in some cases it?s led to paralysis. If you or your kids have any aspirations to become a champion diver, or even if you just want somewhere save to do crazy jumps into the pool, then think about making it deeper. Don?t even think about adding a diving board if the pool isn?t deep enough.
Infinity edge pools
These are amazing and take the look of your garden to a new level altogether. You?ve probably seen them abroad and they can regularly be seen in travel brochures. The end of the pool looks like it?s running into the horizon and the water spills over the edge and gets caught in an overspill trough. If style is what you?re going for then an infinity edge reins supreme.
Swimming lengths
Some people don?t use their pool for playtime and they don?t even care what it looks like. All they want to do is jump in and get a great workout. Swimming lengths of the pool in the morning is a great way to keep fit and lose those unwanted pounds. You?re going to have to get a pool that?s rectangular shaped and long enough that you can swim a good distance before you have to turn, or you?re just going to get really annoyed after a few weeks.
Sloped pools
A swimming pool should be fun for everyone and if you have someone in the family that?s disabled it can be quite difficult for them to enjoy it. If they?re in a wheelchair it especially makes life difficult. You can build a sloped pool and it will allow someone to take them in while they sit in their chair. It seems like a no-brainer if there will be someone with a disability using your pool, and I?m sure they?ll appreciate you for it
Rebecca Dunham is a former national level swimming champion who recommends the coaching provided by?Pool Builder Newcastle?Swimmers? Association for aspiring swimmers.
Source: http://www.ourhometools.com/5-types-of-swimming-pool-that-will-make-everyone-happy
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