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?Bullish? November Data Mask An Ugly Truth About Jobs Investors Business Daily, by?Editorial |
Original Article |
Posted By:StormCnter, 12/8/2012 6:05:06 AM |
Economy: A rip-roarer for job creation and a major drop in the unemployment rate. At least, that?s how the mainstream media sum up November?s job numbers. But scratch the data and a different story surfaces. A lot of pundits thought the November jobs data were pretty good, with 146,000 new jobs and a drop in unemployment to 7.7%. But look closer, and you see recession mode. With nonfarm payrolls swelling by 146,000 and the jobless rate easing from 7.9% to 7.7%, November looked pretty good to many pundits. But the underlying trends aren?t so favorable,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
pineledger, 12/8/2012 6:18:38 AM?????(No. 9054805)
"Pull the wool over their eyes." --Barack Hussein Obama [Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm]
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Spidey, 12/8/2012 6:22:05 AM?????(No. 9054808)
Nobody?s asking if the job situation is so rosy in this country,why does Obama need another stimulus and unemployment extensions?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Country Boy, 12/8/2012 6:43:46 AM?????(No. 9054820)
Price of Apple Computer shares is caving in. Not a good sign at all.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Kansas Conservative, 12/8/2012 6:50:02 AM?????(No. 9054827)
We live in fictitious times with a fictitious president and media. This fictitious establishment takes dreadful U-6 numbers and magically turns them into a "rip-roarer" of job creation. The dumb electorate believes all the fictitious things that their president and his fictitious advisors tell them. My view is that the only ones who suffer from this state of affairs are the dolts who believe it and vote for it. Let them have their useful fictions for the next four years.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
pineledger, 12/8/2012 7:03:15 AM?????(No. 9054838)
Does anyone know the total number of people who have left the work force since Zero ascended the throne? 350,000 last month alone.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
cgood, 12/8/2012 7:18:23 AM?????(No. 9054863)
According to the article, 9.7 million people have left the work force since Obama?s reign began.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
PeoplesRepublikNY, 12/8/2012 7:27:17 AM?????(No. 9054878)
Funny, you never hear public pronouncements of job creation figures revised DOWN 1-2 months later by Barry Soetoro?s Labor Dept.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
kanphil, 12/8/2012 7:53:19 AM?????(No. 9054912)
Seventy-five percent of new jobs were in government? Why does the Republican House fund this growth in government? Let?s get rid of Boehner for a start.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
MOBeef4u, 12/8/2012 7:54:21 AM?????(No. 9054914)
Hopefully those of us who know the truth will be better prepared to weather the storm. We?ll have to keep our heads down, remain inconspicuous, though.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy, 12/8/2012 7:59:08 AM?????(No. 9054919)
I don?t see why the msm feels the need to cover for Obie anymore now that the election is done. Pretty much just a bad habit now while the media outlets try to stay financially solvent.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Donna M, 12/8/2012 8:02:49 AM?????(No. 9054925)
Pretty soon we will have the Obummer version of ?Winterhilfe? to further deplete the savings of the middle and better-off, after the higher tax rates. Historians of the 1930s will know exactly what I?m referring to, and why.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
planetgeo, 12/8/2012 8:04:46 AM?????(No. 9054927)
Headline writer misspelled bullshiite.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
EnsignO?Toole, 12/8/2012 8:22:57 AM?????(No. 9054962)
#12 beat me to it - my first thought was what BS stands for.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LZK, 12/8/2012 8:32:44 AM?????(No. 9054982)
Com?on -- who believes the MSM? During Roosevelt and Kennedy the MSM covered up their "lies"..... So what?s new with the MSM today? Nothing.... The most important result of these years is -- WE have the internet and can easily find the truth.... AND -- let?s kick in "common sense"..... It?s Christmas time and part/time jobs are a dime a dozen. Sandy?s construction workers added to this -- but -- there isn?t one friend of mind here in the Heartland that believes the story line. Why -- in Park Ridge -- (where PIAPS grew up) the total population is 37,000. Now multiple that by four and that?s how many jobs were created ------ country wide WE?re talking about.... Com?on -- give it a rest.... LZK
Reply 15 - Posted by:
beca, 12/8/2012 8:33:44 AM?????(No. 9054983)
the job pic just keeps getting worse and the press just keeps making it SEEM better.......off the cliff....sooner rather than later
Reply 16 - Posted by:
bigken2, 12/8/2012 8:49:09 AM?????(No. 9055011)
anyone with any sense knows it is lowsy hopefully it will get visable to lots of the obama lovers soon
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Maybeth, 12/8/2012 8:56:26 AM?????(No. 9055031)
It?s fairly easy to visualize a company releasing employees earning salaries of $100,000 .... and hiring ?new? employees to fill those same slots at $60,000. .... I would also be interested in knowing how many of these wondrous 146,000 new jobs are in the retail market, where extra help in always hired at Christmastime. It?s not that I don?t trust employment-growth reports which come from the Obama administration. s/o
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
southernboy, 12/8/2012 9:07:57 AM?????(No. 9055049)
#8 "..Let?s get rid of Boehner for a start?" Amen to that! FoxNews played a tape yesterday of him ?speaking? about the GOP position on the ?fiscal cliff.? He was basically reading it from a paper and didn?t even sound like he believed it. We need someone with a passionate belief in a conservative America?.and soon.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
gone2pot, 12/8/2012 9:12:37 AM?????(No. 9055052)
Mike "Mish" Shedlock details the fraudulent numbers with graphs made by ZeroHedge using BLS data. Upshot-more part time jobs added, less hours per week per worker and of course, another rise in out of labor force drop off?s. The BLS U-6 unemployment rate ROSE to 14.4%. The part time and lower hours nonsense is the new reporting standard that will be used to fool the majority of voters, most of whom are unemployed and on the gummint sugar paps, work for unions or work in state and federal gov?t jobs, all lovers of communism we now know.
Below, you will find ...Most Recent Articles posted by "StormCnter" and Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
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Dems look to Obama to punish Michigan over labor vote
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 7:44:02 AM ???
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LANSING, Mich. ? A top Michigan Democrat is looking to President Obama to deliver retribution to Republicans after the GOP-dominated state legislature approved a package of bills that could make this stronghold of union power the nation?s 24th right-to-work state as early as next week. Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer, who on Thursday called the votes to approve the right-to-work measure ?petty and vindictive politics,? sparked more backlash Friday when she said she wants the president, who is set to visit Detroit on a previously scheduled political trip on Monday,
?Bullish? November Data Mask An Ugly Truth About Jobs
Investors Business Daily, by Editorial???
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 6:05:06 AM ???
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Economy: A rip-roarer for job creation and a major drop in the unemployment rate. At least, that?s how the mainstream media sum up November?s job numbers. But scratch the data and a different story surfaces. A lot of pundits thought the November jobs data were pretty good, with 146,000 new jobs and a drop in unemployment to 7.7%. But look closer, and you see recession mode. With nonfarm payrolls swelling by 146,000 and the jobless rate easing from 7.9% to 7.7%, November looked pretty good to many pundits. But the underlying trends aren?t so favorable,
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Navy?s Battle Plan: Don?t Let Them Get Your Goat
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:49:54 AM ???
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AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN MARYLAND?Before bringing a reporter here this past week, two Navy officers met him in a suburban parking lot and applied a blindfold. They then drove down some bumpy roads, taking many turns. The reporter was allowed to take off the blindfold only when he reached a secret destination, where he saw two safeguarded possessions of the U.S. Naval Academy: Bill XXXIII and Bill XXXIV, a pair of Angora goats. The animals are the mascots of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. The institution said this safe house
Barack Obama as Captain Ahab
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:45:46 AM ???
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One of the things that has become apparent during the presidential campaign and now, during the negotiations over how to avoid the ?fiscal cliff,? is the importance the president places on raising the rates on the top 2 percent of income earners. I?ve written before on why I believe conservatives shouldn?t make a ?no new taxes? pledge and why keeping the top rate at 35 percent (which I support) isn?t a matter of high principle. At the same time, Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans?who after all have been willing to put $800 billion in revenues (through closing loopholes and deductions)
The Greatest Christmas Song
American Spectator, by Daniel J. Flynn???
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:35:28 AM ???
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?Tis the season for holiday music that intrudes, annoys, and entraps. Like a zombie, "Feliz Navidad" dies every year only to return -- everywhere. On the car radio, in the mall, on hold, at your kid?s school (provided they omit the holiday?s first syllable) you can?t escape Christmas music. Bah! Humbug! The radio staples are as amorphous as they are ubiquitous. The Pogues offer a Christmas anthem for St. Patrick?s Day in "A Fairytale of New York." Greg Lake?s "I Believe in Father Christmas" hits the ears as a Yuletide hymn for atheists.
Egypt?s Predictable Unraveling
National Review Online, by Andrew C. McCarthy???
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:29:22 AM ???
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As Egypt under the heel of Mohamed Morsi unravels, here?s the late-breaking news: The Muslim Brotherhood is the enemy of democracy. This has always been obvious to anyone who took the time to look into it. Nevertheless, it has not been an easy point to make lo these many years. Even as the Justice Department proved beyond any doubt in court that the Brotherhood?s major goal in America and Europe ? its self-professed ?grand jihad? ? is ?eliminating and destroying Western civilization,? to have the temerity to point this out is to be smeared as an ?Islamophobe.?
Virginia Candidate Terry McAuliffe Explains Building Plants in Mississippi
ABC News, by Chris Good???
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/8/2012 5:19:40 AM ???
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Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe created American jobs with his recently acquired electric-car company ? just not in Virginia. After he was asked about it at a campaign event this week, the exchange raised questions over how voters will react. The Democratic candidate said it?s the state?s fault for not pursuing manufacturing business like his own, recommending more aggressive tax incentives. As he cast it, McAuliffe?s own company is a case study in Virginia?s economic policy. McAuliffe?s firm, GreenTech opened a plant in Horn Lake, Miss., in July and plans to open another in Tunica, Miss.,
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Posted By: jond- 12/6/2012 6:42:12 PM ???
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Orlando, Fla. - George Zimmerman sued NBC on Thursday, claiming he was defamed when the network edited his 911 call to police after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to make it sound like he was racist. The former neighborhood watch volunteer filed the lawsuit seeking an undisclosed amount of money in Seminole County, outside Orlando. Also named in the complaint were three reporters covering the story for NBC or an NBC-owned television station. The complaint said the airing of the edited call has inflicted emotional distress on Zimmerman, making him fear for his life and causing him
Good riddance, Mr. DeMint
Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin???
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Posted By: supersid- 12/6/2012 1:51:39 PM ???
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Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is leaving the Senate to take over the Heritage Foundation. He will replace Ed Feulner as the conservative think tank?s president. He expressed no qualms about leaving the Senate before his term is up, nor did he reflect on his legislative achievements, of which none come to mind. Let me first explain why this is very bad indeed for Heritage. Even DeMint would not claim to be a serious scholar. He is a pol. He?s a pol whose entire style of conservatism ?all or nothing,
Obamacore: The substitution of propaganda for great literature in our schools
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Posted By: StormCnter- 12/7/2012 6:05:19 AM ???
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Controversy is brewing over new Common Core State Standards in English that call on public schools to emphasize the reading of ?information text? instead of fictional literature. According to the Washington Post, English teachers across the country are upset by what they consider the government?s effort ?to drive literature out of the classroom.? English teachers are right to be upset, but they shouldn?t take it personally. The government has nothing much against literature, per se. Rather, this initiative is driven in large part by the desire to promote political propaganda in the classroom.
Why the GOP needs Jeb ? right now
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Posted By: jackson- 12/6/2012 9:26:14 AM ???
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As we wrote on Wednesday, the Republican Party is largely leaderless at the moment ? drifting as it seeks some sort of new (or new-ish) direction to head on fiscal cliff and immigration, among other other issues. The only person capable of herding the party not only in a unified direction but also a direction that can solve (or at least address) the GOP?s issues ? demographic and otherwise ? is the former governor of Florida. That doesn?t mean that Bush, who is widely speculated as a potential 2016 presidential candidate, needs to decide
Tina Brown to Newsweek Staff: Merry Christmas; You?re Fired
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Posted By: JoniTx- 12/7/2012 3:13:22 AM ???
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Like many of you, I?ve been through my share of these things -- you know, where some hotshot from corporate flies in, takes over the biggest office in the building, closes the door, and then one-by-one calls in those who will no longer be employed due to downsizing, or whatever the word of the day is. Harrowing stuff. But to do it over the holidays? Cold-blooded. Ouch: The sad moment has arrived when we must go forth with the editorial staff reductions that we discussed in person with all of you several weeks ago.
Pop-Star James Taylor: ?I Really Suffered? Under 8 Years of ?Cheney/Bush?
Cybercast News Service, by Elizabeth Harrington???
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Posted By: KarenJ1- 12/7/2012 9:20:08 PM ???
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James Taylor said he ?really suffered? under eight years of ?Cheney/Bush,? while speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Friday about election reform. ?It was sort of natural, being so politically active over the years, that I would get involved in the campaign of 2008,? Taylor said. ?I really?I was hugely motivated also by eight years of Cheney/Bush, and I say it in that order on purpose.? ?Those were?it was a tough time for me,? he said. ?I really suffered.? ?It made me deeply ambivalent about my country that we would
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Source: http://www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=714892
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