With a name like "Boobies Rock!" you know it's a totally legit breast cancer fundraiser.
Last week, the Chicago Sun-Times first exposed allegations that "Boobies Rock!," a for-profit business that purports to fund-raise for ?breast-cancer awareness? in Chicago and around the US, wasn't actually funneling funds to charities it claimed to benefit.
Now, the paper reports that the Illinois attorney general?s office has begun investigating the company.
At left, the president of Boobies Rock!, Adam Shyrock. I don't know what could possibly not be forthright about a breast cancer "awareness" effort run by a guy who looks this douchey, especially when the project, which is about an awful terrible disgusting disease that kills people, is called "Boobies Rock!" (the exclamation point, it should be noted, is part of the name).
But hey, I was diagnosed with cancer exactly one year ago, and "Boobies Rock!" expresses perfectly how I feel about breast cancer after 12 months of chemotherapy, breast amputation, mortal terror, reconstructive surgery, vomiting, panic attacks, brain damage, radiation, and other stuff too gross to list.
A sidebar that ran with the original Sun-Times report cautioned readers, "before giving to a charity, questions to consider":
? Are its finances well-managed?
? Does an independent board oversee the organization?
? What is the organization?s mission, and does it offer proof regarding how it suports that mission?
Does it have a fucking stupid and insulting name like "Boobies Rock"?
Thumbnail at left: Jessica Thompson of Chicago, with one of the shirts she sold for Boobies Rock at sports events.
?I was assuming it?s a charity,? she told the paper.
Yep. You read the t-shirt correctly. "Nice Jugs."
(HT: @LizSzabo; photo: Andrew A. Nelles/Sun-Times Media)
Source: http://boingboing.net/2012/12/02/illinois-state-ag-investigates.html
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